Unable to add words to custom dictionary in word
Unable to add words to custom dictionary in word

You can add words to the dictionary as needed, or delete words that never should have been added in the first place. (You can figure out where this is by carefully examining the dialog boxes displayed in the above steps.) The dictionaries are nothing but a list of words that the spell-check should consider as acceptable. In order to find the dictionaries, simply look in the directory where the custom dictionaries are stored. This means you can also edit them by using a different text editor, such as Notepad. Regardless of the version of Word you are using, it is interesting to note that custom dictionaries are simply text files. Close the dictionary document when you are through editing it.The dictionary is opened, as a document, and you can make changes to it. If you are using an older version of Word, then these steps will do: Close all the open dialog boxes when you are done editing.To delete words, select the word in the list, then click Delete.

unable to add words to custom dictionary in word

To add words, enter a word at the top of the dialog box and click Add.Word displays a dialog box showing the words in the dictionary. In the list of dictionaries, select the one you want to edit.Word displays the Custom Dictionaries dialog box. Click on the Custom Dictionaries button.Make sure the Spelling & Grammar tab is displayed.You can edit the custom dictionary by following these steps in Word 2003: When you click on the Add button in the spell-check dialog box, the word is added to your custom dictionary. Normally you do this when you run across a word that the main dictionary does not understand, but which you know is correct. As you use the spell-checking capabilities of Word, you undoubtedly have added words to your custom dictionary.

Unable to add words to custom dictionary in word